Starting Up Online Medical Education?

This post is provided by guest blogger, Tricia Padgurskis, graduate student at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, MS in Training and Development program.

Are medical schools using quality assurance guidelines to develop their online curriculum? If you were tasked to setup a new online medical education program, would you know how to start?

In the peer-reviewed, BMC Medical Education Journal, Wasfy et. al. (2021) felt there are gaps in the quality standards of online curriculum among medical schools.  They set out to create a list of criteria for best practice in online learning in medical education.  The criteria was based on the data collected from focus groups of novice and expert faculty in online higher medical education.  In this article, the authors list important guided questions to consider when developing online education, including: governance, administration, academic council, faculty and student online training needs, organizational capacity, resources, bylaws, course delivery, course design, learning assessment and human resource needs.  The list provides a nice overview of eLearning management considerations for most curriculum in higher education. However, future application of this tool still need to be studied.

If you need to take a closer look at your college’s online curriculum quality, I highly recommend reading this guide for evaluation of online learning in medical education. 


Wasfy, N. F., Abouzeid, E., Nasser, A. A., Ahmed, S. A., Youssry, I., Hegazy, N. N., Shehata, M. H. K., Kamal, D., Atwa, H. (2021, June 10). A guide for evaluation of online learning in medical education: A qualitative reflective analysis. BMC Medical Education. BioMed Central.

(L)earning (M)ade (S)upportive Through LMS Data 

This post is provided by guest blogger, Sejdije Fejza, graduate student at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, MS in Training and Development program.

In this article, researchers from the University of Queensland in Australia analyzed whether LMS data is useful in understanding learners and their needs. Video based learning management systems were assessed by monitoring how many times a student clicked on a video and the amount of time that video played. Exam results were also reviewed to determine whether LMS data can assist student learning. First, it revealed students’ preferences for learning. Additionally, students can reference back information or work on their own time. They also revealed that shorter videos and content receive the best results when instructing through this LMS. 

This source is helpful for organizations who are deciding what factors to assess in their LMS to support student learning. If individuals adopt this form of analysis to support learning, it is important that they carefully choose the best LMS features to assess. This will avoid limitations in data. For instance, it’s important to consider how engaged students are when watching a video. Therefore, the number of times clicked on a video may not necessarily correlate to whether the viewer is actively paying attention to the video to assist in their learning. 


Maloney, S., Axelsen, M., Galligan, L., Turner, J., Redmond, P., Brown, A., Basson, M., & Lawrence, J. (2022). Using LMS log data to explore student engagement with coursework videos. Online Learning26(4), 399–423.

E-learning Assessments Guide for Beginners

This post is provided by guest blogger, Theresa Anderson, graduate student University of St. Francis, MS Training and Development program.

Wondering how to determine if your e-learning course is effective? Assessments, such as tests and quizzes, can provide valuable data. However, if you’re new to e-learning, you may be unsure of what constitutes a good assessment and what metrics are essential to measure. In this article, Bianca Woods (2022) addresses the most commonly asked questions about creating a practical e-learning quiz. Woods explains what e-learning assessments are, if assessments are always necessary, when learners should be assessed, what types of questions to include, and how to design effective assessment questions. 

If you’re new to online training and want to evaluate whether your course is well-designed, I highly recommend checking out this article. Woods (2022) recommends incorporating assessments at multiple points throughout the course if it aligns with the instructor’s goals. This article offers tips for beginners, and I plan to implement them in my work.


Woods, B. (2022). The beginner’s guide to effective e-learning assessments. E-Learning Heroes. Retrieved June 8, 2023, from

Getting Trainees to be “In Their Element”

This post is provided by guest blogger, Sejdije Fejza, graduate student at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, MS in Training and Development program.

In this article from The Organization Management Journal, researchers Praveen Kulkarni, Prayag Gokhale, Y.M. Satish, and Basavaraj Tigadi (2022) evaluated the effectiveness of gamification and employee motivation or productivity in the workplace. They found that the technology is effective only if the trainer applies relevant elements. These elements include examples such as trainees earning badges, placements on leader boards, or advancing to higher levels of training digitally. Additionally, for participants’ productivity to increase in the workplace, the game and elements must resemble the qualities and tasks that consist in the workplace itself.

This resource would be useful for trainers that are considering implementing games in their sessions. This article is an asset in creating a method of training that will help workers recognize progress in their learning and achievement. This will also allow companies to better align their training curriculum due to the need for the games to simulate the workplace. Thus, organizations can track the correlation between employee motivation in the game-based training and productivity in the job setting. Although this research is exclusive to software-based companies, the concept can be implemented in most settings to enhance organizational development.  


Kulkarni, P., Tigadi, B., Satish, Y. M., & Gokhale, P. (2022, March 31). An empirical study on the impact of learning theory on gamification-based training programs. Organization Management Journal, 19(5). 

9 Steps to Building a Business Model Canvas

9 Steps to Building a Business Model Canvas

In a previous post, I spoke about the art and practice of strategic planning and how various models exist for helping organizations plan.

The Business Model Canvas is one such model that is available for use under the Creative Commons license. The original source of the tool can be found at

The Business Model Canvas was originally developed by Alexander Osterwalker. He then collaborated with Professor Pigneur and 470 other entrepreneurial thinkers in 45 different countries to innovate and refine the model using shared vision and insight.

The tool is called a “canvas” because the user builds their model on one piece of paper (or often one piece of large poster board or a large white board).

The Business Model Canvas is used today in organizations all around the world. The model helps organize all of the various aspects of an organization. As you build the model, you can also use it to brainstorm ways to change, innovate, or grow your organization.

How do you use the Business Model Canvas?

The nine steps are listed below in a step-by-step guide, but these steps can actually be completed in any order.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Business Model Canvas 

  • Step 1: Activities
  • Step 2: Resources
  • Step 3: Partnerships
  • Step 4: Customer (User) Segments
  • Step 5: Relationships with Customers (Users)
  • Step 6: Channels
  • Step 7: Costs
  • Step 8: Revenues
  • Step 9: Value Proposition(s)

I like to think of these activities as a series of questions to ask. I have provided some sample questions for you to consider at each step. As you build your canvas, ask other questions within each category that might expand, explore, or help you think differently about the category.

Step 1: Activities

The key activities are the “most important things a company must do to make its business model work” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). I suggest starting with activities because they are often the simplest items to list.

Ask these types of questions as you build the canvas:

What are the key activities that the organization is involved in?

What types of new activities or opportunities might we consider?


Step 2: Resources

The key resources are the “most important assets required to make a business model work” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). Think of resources as both tangible and intangible; human and technological; internal and external.

What are the key resources that are involved in creating value?

Do we need to seek new resources?


Step 3: Partnerships

The key partnerships are “the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). Consider partnerships that may be internal as well as external.

What are the key partnerships involved in helping the organization run, grow, provide products or services?

What new partnerships might we consider to expand or improve?


Step 4: Customer Segments

The Customer Segment “defines the different groups of people or organizations an enterprise aims to reach and serve” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010).  In their book, Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) list several types of customers such as: mass market, niche market, segmented, and diversified.

Who benefits from our organization’s products or services?

Who might benefit?

What additional segments might we consider?


Step 5: Customer Relationships

The customer relationship “describes the types of relationships a company establishes with specific customer segments” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). As you think about relationships, also consider whether or not these relationships are personal, automated, or could be fostered in different ways.

What type of relationship do we have with each of our users?

How can we create sustainable relationships?


Step 6: Channels

Channels are “how a company communicates with and reaches its customer segments to deliver a value proposition” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). These channels could be how you are advertising or reaching your market of customers.

What channels are used to deliver the value?

Are there new ways to reach our users?


Step 7: Costs

“The cost structure describes all costs incurred to operate a business model” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010).

What are the cost structures?

How can we reduce cost?


Step 8: Revenues

A revenue stream “represents the cash a company generates from each customer segment” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010).

What are the revenue streams?

Do we need to build new revenue streams?


Step 9: Value Proposition(s)

The value propositions are “the bundle of products and services that create value for a specific customer segment” (Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010). I suggest reviewing value propositions at the end of the process, but it might also be useful as step one.

What is it about our organization that sets it apart from other initiatives?

Where might we expand?


Remember, the steps presented here can be completed in any order.

As you build your canvas, consider posting it on the wall so that a team of individuals can work on the canvas together. Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010) suggest using sticky note paper or white board markers. The canvases often include both words and pictures within each step of the model. It can be useful to draw arrows or connections where applicable.

Happy planning!

Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

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Personalizing Learning from Data

Provided by guest blogger, Angelica Brodeur, graduate student University of St. Francis, MS Training and Development program

One of the main benefits of e-learning is the potential to offer learners a personalized learning experience, thereby moving away from a ‘one size fits all’ approach. The paradigm of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) is one example, Continue reading

Change Management to eLearning through Servant Leadership? Yes!

This post is provided by guest blogger, George Skerritt, graduate student of the University of St. Francis, Joliet, Il., MS Training and Development program.

Change management is challenging in any setting.  Managers of learning and training departments, especially those responsible for changing from a predominantly face-to-face to eLearning environments would be wise to adopt the style of servant leaders to be

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Technology + Culture Focus = Effective Workplace e-Learning

This post is provided by guest blogger, Katie Sachs, graduate student at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, IL, MS in Training and Development program.

Advances in technology have helped cement e-learning’s place in corporate education. But how can learning leaders take steps to ensure that their digital learning initiatives are working and not becoming pointless activities? In a recent white paper, authors

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