Change Management to eLearning through Servant Leadership? Yes!

This post is provided by guest blogger, George Skerritt, graduate student of the University of St. Francis, Joliet, Il., MS Training and Development program.

Change management is challenging in any setting.  Managers of learning and training departments, especially those responsible for changing from a predominantly face-to-face to eLearning environments would be wise to adopt the style of servant leaders to be

successful.  Rather than dictate specific solutions, servant leaders provide direction and support that allow employees to take and accept responsibility for their work.

Instructors are enablers who “create conditions that allow everyone to naturally learn, adjust, grow, and perform” CITE (Wilson, 2016).  They respond in the same way when given appropriate direction and support.  Managers who become secure as supporting servants to their employees can maximize performance and quality of any organizational change.  In the still-developing world of eLearning, supporting those who do the work results in quality training and learning for all.

Wilson, E. (2016, April 7). Use eLearning to revolutionize change management. Retrieved

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