Keeping Current in Learning Technology

This post is provided by guest blogger, Breanna Winters, graduate student at the University of St. Francis in Joliet, MS in Training and Development program.

In this article from eLearning Industry, CEO and Co-Founder Morten Zetlitz and CTO and Co-Founder Anders Heivoll of Apprendly present on various trends in corporate learning for 2023. It includes a brief overview of training and technology and then addresses seven core considerations that optimize the learning experience. These seven considerations include: 1) remote work options 2) gamification 3) customizations 4) microlearning 5) cultural competency and diversity 6) flexible platforms and 7) learning experience platforms (LXPS).

This source is ideal for training and development leaders in an organization that are exploring options on how to enhance their current training services to their staff. The review of these considerations can help provide a guideline for what to look for in a potential training service, such as when considering an LXP. Although the article does not provide a list of specific technologies that are currently on the rise, the specifications can help pinpoint the search and inspire questions like “does this platform create a simulation of a reality?” It is a good basis for identifying emerging eLearning needs.


Zetlitz, M. & Heivoll, A. (2023, January 31). 7 key corporate learning trends in 2023. eLearning Industry.

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