ChatGPT: What’s it doing for/to me?

This post is brought to you by your genial novice blogger, Daniel Liestman, a graduate student in the University of St. Francis’ (Joliet, IL) MS in Training and Development program.

Last November, Open AI released an advanced chatbot like no other.  ChatGPT (generative pre-trained transformer) draws on Internet information.  It’s RLHF, or Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback component, however, provides the human-like quality.  While ChatGPT may stir anxiety in some, it can be used as an effective learning tool.  For example, how might learners construct an AI generated argument and then analyze and critique it?  Further, how might learners hone their own questioning skills to spark discovery? Such AI can also foster individualized learning as well as doing administrative work for instructors while also doing instructional planning.

Stephens, an educational consultant with degrees from Harvard and Stanford, has no idea what ChatGPT bodes. But neither do we.  AI, for her, has a place in learning, but also in reducing instructors’ grunt work. I recall the story of a professor who audio taped a lecture for a day he was out.  While the reel-to-reel played atop the lectern, a cassette recorder on each student’s desk taped the lecture. While the technology has changed,  AI may well imitate this cautionary tale at the moment expense of learning.

Stephens, D. (2023, May 16). ChatGPT examples to use artificial intelligence in education. Nearpod Blog.